I don’t think some landlords ordinarily would just wake up in the morning and decide to evict a tenant for no just course!
Something must have sparked the landlord into evicting a tenant. The main reason for building and letting a house is for profit maximization, hence property owners having considered the losses they may have if their properties experienced void would undoubtedly appreciate and want to keep their sitting or old tenants especially if rents keep coming. It becomes ironic for people to assume that most landlords who are supposedly businessmen should let go of tenants who fill their pockets at the end of each year.
Now to the question, why do landlords evict tenants?
To start with, have it at the back of your mind that landlords most often evict only bad tenants, not the good ones.
What then makes a tenant bad?
Tenants can be referred to as being bad if they fall into the following category;
- Tenants who don’t pay rent as and when due are referred to as bad tenants
- Tenants who contravene any of the clauses in the tenancy agreement such as;
- Entertaining squatters without the prior or written consent of the landlord
- Littering the premises with solid, liquid and unwanted particles
- Converting the rented apartment from its original use to another use without permission
- Causing trouble or challenging the landlord’s decision without recourse to a proper channel of expressing dissatisfaction
- Causing nuisance and inconveniencing other tenants or occupants
- Subletting the apartment without the landlord’s approval
- Breaking, collapsing or causing any form of destruction on the property
- Refusal to cooperate with other tenants to clean, repair and perform other tenants’ obligations for example contributions to the service charge purse etc.
- Tampering with or bypassing electrical connections of the apartment where you live.
To fall in the category of good tenants, you will need to act in accordance with every clause enshrined in the tenancy agreement which you and the landlord agreed on and signed before your taking over possession at inception.
Landlords evict bad tenants to restore sanity and avoid further problems arising due to the non-cooperation of the tenants during the tenancy period. In some cases, tenants resort to insulting their landlords when it appears that the landlord is not succumbing to their arguments, they do this to embarrass further or discredit their landlord only to be referred to as a dogged tenant.
Landlords don’t want to be shamed, embarrassed or harassed by troublemakers. That’s not all, some tenants may be nice but deficient in meeting their rental obligations, either due to an “act of God” or economic related. The landlord has an investment that should yield annual income to enable him to solve his own immediate needs, hence keeping delinquent tenants could deprive landlords of their monthly or yearly goals.
The only option at this point would be to let go of the tenant that is after allowing some significant period to meet up with rent payment or some kind of relief or consideration. If the tenant(s) still fails to comply, the landlord would in most cases “let go”.
So would you now say that the landlords are wicked? A big No!
Such an action is inevitable going by the current state of the Nigerian economy. “Man must chop”
Whether you like it or not, eviction from an accommodation is inevitable especially when the tenant merits it. The insinuation that all landlords are terrible is not correct however this can apply to a few in some circumstances.
Sample of Eviction Letter from a Landlord to a Tenant.
Dear Tenant, LANDLORD’S INTENTION TO RECOVER POSSESSION OF A 3-BEDROOM APARTMENT LOCATED AT 442, LUGARD ROAD, BY MILES BUS STOP, PORT HARCOURT. This is to inform you that I have decided not to renew your rent when it expires. Recall that your tenancy runs from 1st January to 31st December 2023. Hence it is expected that you should start preparing to give up possession of the 3-bedroom apartment that you currently occupy in above mentioned address. I need to notify you early (6 months ahead) to give you sufficient time to secure an apartment elsewhere on or before 31st December 2023. Best regards. Yours faithfully, Landlord’s name |
Dear Tenant, LANDLORD INTENDS TO RECOVER POSSESSION OF A 3-BEDROOM APARTMENT AT 442, LUGARD ROAD, BY MILES BUS STOP, PORT HARCOURT. The above subject matter refers. I write to remind you that your rent will expire on the 31st day of December 2023. Furthermore, I have no intention of renewing your tenancy any further. Please start today 30th June 2023 to look for an apartment elsewhere and prepare to give up possession of the 3-bedroom apartment which you currently occupy on or before the said expiry date. Best wishes. Yours faithfully, Mr. landlord |
Dear Tenant, THE LANDLORD INTENDS TO RECOVER POSSESSION OF A 3-BEDROOM APARTMENT LOCATED AT 442, LUGARD ROAD, BY MILES BUS STOP, PORT HARCOURT. This is to notify you that your current tenancy for the period 1st January to 31st December 2023 will not be renewed when it expires. Do well to secure accommodation elsewhere before 31st December 2023. Yours faithfully, Landlord’s name |
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