Popular Types of Apartments

An apartment is a residential unit separated by walls from adjoining rooms or flats on the same block or building. It can be classified into single-family and multi-family residences.

A Single-Family Residence can be called a detached house, while a multi-family residence is also known as a semi-detached house. Both categories can take the form of bungalows or multi-storey buildings.

Most apartment buildings are composed of flats. In the world, single-family homes are the most common type of residential real estate, although multi-family dwellings have recently gained popularity due to rising land and building construction costs. Because multi-family housing results in reduced housing expenses per family, the economics seems to favour it.

Multi-family Housing:

These are accommodations with a living/dining room, one or more standard bedrooms and at least a kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. A building with two or more apartments on the ground floor, one of which is separated from the apartment by a partition wall.

Types of Residences

It is a house with a shared partition wall between the first and second floors. The first floor usually serves as the living room, dining area, kitchen, and toilet, while the second floor serves as the bedrooms. Also called a maisonette house, it is an independent building where each household mainly resides. A high level of privacy is usually condoled in a duplex. It is further classified into; 2-bedroom duplexes, 3-bedroom duplexes, 4-bedroom duplexes, and up to 6 bedrooms, especially in sparsely populated areas and reserved neighbourhoods.

These are houses that are connected but separated by common partitions. For convenience, each house is equipped with independent household facilities. They are found in sparsely populated areas, such as Government Reservation Areas (GRAs).

Semi-detached houses are classified according to the number of rooms contained. These are 2-bedroom, 3-bedroom, 4-bedroom and 5-bedroom semi-detached houses.

Independent Structure:

These are stand-alone structures without wall connections to other structures. They are typically independent. They come in single-family homes with two, three, four, and five bedrooms.

Types of Apartments That Are in High Demand

People tend to look for apartments in five different categories.

Apartments with one, two, three, four, and five bedrooms are often the ones that make the first page. Nonetheless, bachelors and spinsters in particular are highly drawn to single rooms and self-contained apartments.

Single Rooms:

Occupants of single rooms typically share common facilities such as toilets, bathrooms, and kitchens. Also known as tenements, this building offers little privacy when using available amenities. Such buildings are mainly inhabited by low-income people with large families. The building is often overcrowded and subjected to prolonged wear and tear due to frequent use.

Self-contain Apartment:

Self-contain apartments also known as self-con have exclusive toilets, bathrooms, and kitchens for their use only. It is a more private apartment compared to single-room apartments and is most likely to be let quickly within a particular class of people in most African countries.

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